Importing a Word Document Theme

Microsoft 365

Created on
November 3, 2023
Updated on
November 3, 2023

Word for Desktop

To import a custom Word document template, please follow the steps below:

  1. Open Word on your desktop computer.
  2. Go to the 'Design' ribbon tab.
  3. Click on the 'Themes' drop-down button on the left of the panel.
  4. Click 'Browse for themes'.
  5. Select your custom Word document theme.
  6. If you want to save your theme into Word's theme panel, make sure to click again on the 'Themes' drop-down button, then click 'Save Current Theme'.
  7. You will now see that the custom theme has been saved locally into Word's theme storage.
  8. Done 🎊 Now, go make something brilliant!